9月月 24

qq%e6%88%aa%e5%9b%be20160803082230To all members of Linus Media Group:

Greetings from NixieSubs. We are a fansub group translating LMG contents into Chinese for more than a year.

A short while ago I and another NS member had a short but joyful discussion with Linus and Brandon in Beijing thanks to a ZTE press event. Later Linus wanted a Beijing keychain, and so we delivered, plus something else.

Inside are two fine metal keychains with probably baked paint/enamel finish and represent some decent craftsmanship, but that’s not all. The box also contains a Nixie clock that I included by strong, unsolicited requests from our team, because it’s where we got our names, and it’s cool to share such a piece of art, which doubles as an early birthday present to Linus.

The clock is from Russia. At its core are IN-14 Nixie tubes dating back to at least the 80s. They were intended for lab equipments at the time, and work in a similar way with plasma lights. They have natural, mesmerizing orange glow in the dark, which cameras rarely do justice to. The steel mesh and oak base look sturdy, but make no mistake, the tubes are fragile. Nixies are retro-futuristic and should belong to old-school sci-fis. I think they appear in the Fallout series as well but I’m not quite sure.

For your convenience, the clock has already been set to Vancouver time so that you don’t have to fiddle with its controls. I’ll save the rest for its own manual at the bottom of the box.

Again, it’s a privilege to witness and participate in the growth of the channels. Thank you.

Kilo One Nine (Billy) on behalf of NixieSubs
P.S. On the back is an unabridged excerpt from some members. Much troll and many LOLs to behold.
PS: 背面是组员的未删节语录。其乐无穷,叹为观止。

//Flip to the other side if you saw this side first
LassAegis: Starting from me, which… kinda make me feel anxious _(:3」∠)_ Anyway, first is a big, warm and wet(?) greeting to all LMG members, thank you for bringing us those funny(or disgusting?)(You know what I mean) videos. Second thing, which is also the final thing, is… can you do more videos on your cat? _(:3」∠)_
呃这个….从我开始啊…好紧张呐_(:3」∠)_ 总之,先是对LMG全员的一声温暖而又湿润(雾 的问候,感谢你们制作的这些幽默(而又恶心?)(意大利面拼写大赛)的视频.然后就是…能多做一些屮猫的视频吗_(:3」∠)_
AClouDitation: Greetings to all members of LMG! Keep making awesome videos!
Silas: I first saw the videos of Mr. Sebastian in NCIX. Later, I have been watching your videos regularly since the age of 16. Thank you so much for all your awesome tech videos during the last 2 years!!
Yifei: Do you want to build a snowman?
Vrownie: Greetings to y’all Canadian guys! My name is Vrownie and I’m a DUDE —- don’t judge me plz. (-.-) Anyway, keep on doing what you’re doing right now, and love NixieSubs! 加拿大小伙伴们,雷猴www 我就是可爱的Vrownie!是的,我就是一只伪娘~但是不要嫌弃我呀!总之,请继续你们现在所做之事,然后继续爱辉光!还有那什么…Aegis我老婆!Aegis我老婆!Aegis我老婆!重要的事情要说三遍w还有,Linus请你务必在镜头前玩一次Nekopara!!!整个辉光都是日猫狂魔哟~ (LassAegis: 喵喵喵??)
茶包: Next time you make spaghetti videos no one’s going to sub them.
空格: Giff Moar Cat tips༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Say no to alphagetti༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
内测版本: F-word
Jason Yu: Started watching Linus’ video from NCIX. Continuing to subscribe LinusTechTips after that. Great videos you made there. Thank you for all the hard work! Keep on making good videos. BTW Vrownie is not a racist.
皮卡: Greetings from England (but I’m not British). I love your TechQuickie series as I was an absolute beginner in the tech field. It did teach me a lot. Having seen the video in Switzerland, I personally hope you guys will visit London some time in the future and make a video about how bloodily expensive hardwares are here. Cheers bro.
阿钰: Luke! I LOVE YOU!
MPRI Guardian: Mr. Sebastian, you helped me get through the steam summer sale so huge shout out here to LinusMediaGroupwwwwwwww! PS: Tech make my life better 🙂 佐仓大法好啊!(Ayaneru is my wife)
MPRI门卫: 尊敬的Linus,有您的支持我才能度过这名为steam暑期特惠的浩劫,所以在此我要赞美莱纳斯媒体集团。顺带一提: 科技让生活更美好/佐仓大法好wwwwww(死宅真恶心
AtomicPotato: Dear Mr Sebastian, would you plz adopt me? (●°u°●)​ 」
Cabbage : Dear LMG, thanks a lot for all the contents you guys produced and please keep up the good work. Since China has such desperately self-isolated Internet condition, having high quality contents transported into China means a lot, which is what LMG and NixieSubs together are accomplishing, and personally, I, as a translator, also learned a lot. So thanks again, hope you have fun with the gifts, and allow me to donate 1 second life for LMG and 1 for NixieSubs.
鱼大米: Turkey…
Davidzz: plz fire dennis-JK
Jackie099: I am the last one here. Lol ↓ F u
Chocola: No, I AM the last one here. 竜が 俺の敌を喰らえ!
Cuberick.巧克力:我才是最后一个,竜が 俺の敌を喰らえ!
魚蛋: Look forward to our continued collaboration.

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